Sunday, 25 March 2007

Day 31: 23_03_07

I did some mining and flew to SouthShore. I rode to Alterac Ruins. I needed to buy some Frost Oil for a quest and it was rumoured that there was a little goblin who sells the oil on the castle walls! He was there, his name is Bro'kin (38/38). He didn't have any when I arrived but I waited for 5 minutes and a new shipment arrived. I bought some health potions too while I was there.
I hearthed to SW and then flew to Thelsamar in Loch Modan. I rode into Badlands and gave in two quests - I went to kill a bad gnoll named 'Murdaloc' and 12 of his BoneSnapper protectors (50/66). I ran into the entrance to Uldaman and managed to find 4 Urns for a quest also. I hearthed to SW.

I meet Sweed, Sooper, mageDraenai and Lennard. We flew to Menethil harbor and took the boat to Theramore. We ran into the Barrens and south to RazorFen Downs. All the baddies in the instance were quite tough and there were some elites. I tried to focus on the elites as they were like killing WarMongers one on one so I knew I could take out the hardest of the enemies. We rushed through and didn't really take it slow. We killed a baddy called Glutton (lvl 40 elite) who looked like Stitches (Darkshire) brother but green! We got to the end of RazorFen Downs after spiralling up and up to the centre. We managed to kill the end boss who was quite tough but who had no protection mobs so it was pretty easy for five of us!

Mage created a portal to SW and we all jumped through! I went to my Warrior Trainer and spent 7 gold and then I travelled to Dust Wallow Marsh and spent ages trying to find the house of a woman which was out in the middle of nowhere! I got there eventually and I did get a quest for Zul'Farrak so that was good, Tabetha's task - it was a spooky place to live (46/57).

After I got back to SW I went to the Auction House and bid on some Gyrochronatom's for a quest in Badlands (there was 8 in a pack and I only wanted one).

The school kids walk to the school house with their teacher in SW!

Time Finished: 3:30am
Time Questing: 7 hours

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